Outdoor training

The Outdoor Training is based on the real and concrete experience of the Learning by Doing methodology, through practical exercises to be carried out in open spaces, in contact with the environment and nature, in places physically and conceptually far from the company. It uses the typical process of training and experiential learning in a continuous cycle of experience, reflection/conceptualization and transfer, allowing to improve and / or develop organizational behaviors.

In outdoor training participants are called to get involved, to get out of their comfort zone and from the usual patterns in which they find themselves: the team or the individual is brought to relate in a different context from that of the workplace, in the open air, facing small or large challenges capable of developing unexpected skills. Personal growth is active in experimenting with new contexts and situations, overcoming the usual behaviors and habits that often hide unused skills and attitudes.

Outdoor training allows us to act, through practical and physical activities on multiple levels of the human sphere, simultaneously pushing the cognitive, emotional and physical component, speeding up the learning process. It is able to fix learning by anchoring it to “evocative” experiences, the memory of which continues over time, through the effective experimentation of the efficacy or non-effectiveness of some individual and collective behaviors in real situations.

The effectiveness of the method is based on the fact that experience is never generic, but specific, based on the real needs of the group and consistent with the objectives identified. It cannot and must never be “the same for everyone”, but it is developed and created according to the objectives to be achieved.

Thanks to practical exercises the participants are led to rely on their own personal resources, also activating group relationship dynamics for the achievement of individual and common goals, thus accelerating the normal acquisition process. The stimuli to which they are subjected and the absence of a teacher who proposes “expert” solutions encourages the groups self-learning ability. The teacher, in fact, in outdoor training is considered a facilitator of learning, or helps people to develop new models of behavior and action to suffer from their experiences and reflections.