Social innovation can be defined as the development and implementation of new ideas (products, services and models) to meet social needs and create new social relationships or collaborations. It represents new responses to pressing social demands, which affect the process of social interactions. It is aimed at improving human well-being. Social innovations are innovations that are social in both their ends and their means. They are innovations that are not only good for society but also enhance individuals’ capacity to act. Social innovations not only affect social enterprises or those organizations involved in social economy but also the traditional profit companies to improve and to enlarge their business activities.
Social enterprise and social economy development is one of the upcoming areas in addressing community developments, as a means of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth as described in the Europe 2020 Strategy. Social enterprises are an innovating form of enterprises, which aim to reconcile economic, social and environmental goals and play a vitally important role within society when it comes to mapping a path towards a more environmentally sustainable society and economy.
The training course is designed to develop professional skills in innovation in the area of social enterprise and social economy. The blend of skills developed in the programme will ensure participants to acquire the knowledge and skills to develop and implement best practice and sustainable enterprise strategies.
The seminar will explore conceptual approaches and main analytical grids: the social economy, solidarity economy, non-market sector, third sector, non-profit sector, social entrepreneurship, the different forms and modes of action of the social economy in various sectors of activity and geographical contexts, the economic importance and the roles of social enterprises and several case studies: analysis of the strengths, weaknesses and specificity of social enterprises, analysis of the trajectories of social entrepreneurs. The specific objectives of the seminar are:
- To raise awareness about the need for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth through social economy to the wider public
- To get knowledge about sustainable development of social enterprises and social economy
- To increase understanding how social economy and social enterprises can support a sustainable business development of the whole community
- To develop awareness and knowledge about new innovative tools how to strength and support a new business development
- To acquire a thorough knowledge of the specificity and roles of the social economy, social enterprise and social entrepreneurship in contemporary economies
- To increase the knowledge, skills and capacities of the participants to continue supporting entrepreneurs.
The training course will be articulated on the follows topics:
- The Social economy dimension
- The Social Entrepreneurship: vision and definition
- Social Enterprise sustainable financial management
- Planning an innovative social business model
- Innovative tools and instrument for development of new Ethic and responsible Business approach
- Bring innovations in the business through the implementation and exploitation of social economy
- Matching the social business and strength the networking of social enterprises
- A new process for sustainable development of social enterprises and social economy: the clustering process of CSR and social economy
- Measuring Social Impact in the business
The programs focus is essentially on experience. Learning takes place more readily with a practical, hands-on approach, rather than using traditional teaching methods. Participants will analyse concrete realities, diagnose problems, contrast and debate different points of view and interact with other participants. The course is structured as intensive seminars to make this focus more plausible. The program dedicates significant time to analysing both national and international case studies, carrying out simulations, teamwork and open debates.
During the seminar will carry out a specific assessment process of the participants, trough simulations and exercises, in order to assess a variety of skills, abilities and attributes that are relevant for the participants.
Each participant will be evaluated through a series of individual and group tasks, discussions, simulation activities and Q&A, all of which are aimed at giving a rounded profile of the competencies and an insight into performance in the work place.
3 days.
Maximum Participants: 25