With the same expertise, what makes the difference inside an organization is the ability to communicate effectively in all situations in which we relate to others. The course provides advanced communication techniques useful to involve, and obtain consent and the proper attention of the listener.
The overall objectives of the training course is to transfer knowledge and tools to improve with new methods and concepts the communication skills and create positive working relationships, in order to allow participants to identify their individual strengths and challenges. This course develops the ability to focus on specific outcomes, tune in to audience and develop messages for clarity and impact, to create an environment for open discussion and ongoing dialogue as crucial base for communication success. The communications skills covered in this course will increase the ability to exercise choice and control for every type of conversation, influence without authority and improve quality of relationships and productivity. The main objectives of the course are:
- Apply technical major persuasive to best convey the ideas and get results
- To support the comparison with the interlocutors dosing persuasion, persuasion and argumentation
- Overcoming passive resistance to new ideas and new approaches
- Project an image of themselves in a position to attract the right kind of attention from everyone (colleagues, co-workers or bosses)
- Analyse their own voice in terms of effectiveness and build a personal improvement plan
- To overcome Barriers to Effective Communications — identify and develop methods to break down those barriers
- Development of Communication Skills — learn how to combine the four key elements and the five basic skills to communicate with impact
- Transferring of Influencing Techniques — expand on communication skills, using techniques and strategies to influence other’s behaviours and develop more collaborative working relationships
- Planning a Communication Strategy — identify communication outcome and plan the best approach for achieving positive results
I Day
Communicate: knowing how to be effective
- Communication as a process and as a relationship (objectives, partners)
- Analysis of the most common situations where the communicative tool needs to managerial reinforcements
- Communication as an element of relationship, management and organization
- Defining a realistic communicative goal, goal and breaking point, the possible agreement area and the best alternative to non-agreement
- Simulations and exercises
- Q&A
- Individual and group discussions
II Day
The power of the words and of our voice
- The word as a means to convince interlocutors
- Evaluate the weight of words (abstract and concrete words)
- Use a clear and credible language
- The words in positive value: why use them.
- The denial in mental logical process
- To influence effectively in the different types of listeners
- Simulations and exercises
- Q&A
- Individual and group discussions
Persuade: improving persuasive communication
- Fundamentals of persuasive communication
- Create a common ground
- Techniques to strengthen its persuasive communication
- Dynamics of persuasion: an evocative and structured approach language
- Using the metaphorical language to impress positively
- The word as a means to create mental images
- The 4 phases of a successful communication in public
- Simulations and exercises
- Q&A
- Individual and group discussions
Involve: arouse consensus
- Manage the motivating communication
- Move people to action and motivation
- Recognize the automatic consent
- Involvement of stakeholders and motivation to be heard
- How to overcome conflict and address the problem
- Simulations and exercises
- Q&A
- Individual and group discussions
- Final Evaluation and Assessment
The course will consist of theoretical and practical activities. The methodology will be based on Integration of theory and practice as well as sharing Expertise and analysing case studies. The following methods will be applied:
- Discussions in pairs and small groups
- Role play
- Interactive poster sessions
- Test on your own communication style
- Techniques of Persuasion
- Simulation of conflict situations
- Action plan for personal improvement
During the course will be carry out a specific assessment process of the participants, trough simulations and exercises, in order to assess a variety of skills, abilities and attributes that are relevant for the participants. Role play will give to participants chance to practice what learned, so they can leave feeling confident, and ready to manage any professional relationships. Each participant will be evaluated through a series of individual and group tasks, discussions, simulation activities and Q&A, all of which are aimed at giving a rounded profile of the competencies and an insight into performance in the work place.
The basic proposal for the training course has a total duration of n.3 days.